How to make a rat trap
Rat traps, particularly snap traps, are relatively cheap to buy these days, so making a rat trap isn’t always the sensible
choice when trying to remove a rat infestation from your home or commercial property. In order to make sure you have gotten
rid of the problem entirely, you are likely to need more than one rat trap, and if you are making them all, you’re going to
be making them for quite a long time. In terms of time and cost effectiveness, making rat traps is not smart.
There are a number of homemade rat trap methods on the internet, and after having a good look through them ourselves, we can
honestly say that they’re probably not the best idea in the world. We have seen homemade glue traps, much like regular glue
traps, but just with superglue and other super sticky stuff on cardboard and other substances. These are a bad idea when you
buy them from the stores, with many more disadvantages than advantages, so why you’d want to make one yourself at home, we’ll
never know.
Don’t do it.
One rat trap you CAN make at home, and one that may have a little success (but still not as much success as regular snap trap traps) is
using a bucket. The idea is to get something like a wooden spindle or pole to go across the top, which you will then smear with peanut
butter. When the rat hops up to get to the peanut butter, both the spoon and the rat will fall into the bucket, capturing the
Some people have advised that you fill the bucket with water, but we don’t advise this. Rats can swim underwater for quite a long period of
time before needing to take a breath. Trying to drown the rat is likely to take a while, and it won’t be pretty either.
In fact, we wouldn’t advise using the old ‘bucket and spoon’ rat trap idea at all. You re putting yourself in close proximity with an animal
that can not only bite and scratch you, but also pass on rather dangerous diseases. In some cases, they don’t even need to touch you at all,
contaminating other things, such as soil, water and food with their urine, which has also been shown to carry and transmit disease.
When we remove a rat infestation from a residential or commercial property, we do it by using good, old-fashion rat traps. The ones that go snap
and deal with the problem there and then. This might not appear to be the most humane option out of everything on offer, but in the long-term, it
is the most humane. Relocated rats almost never survive for longer than a few days, and poison doesn’t work immediately. Glue traps are incredibly
inhumane, and again, don’t kill the creature. Snap traps are one go the only options you have left, with the exception of ignoring the problem and
hoping it goes away. Sadly, that’s very unlikely to be the case. Rat infestations NEVER go away without human intervention. The only human
intervention that works is sealing up all rat entry points and then using snap traps.
Researching how to make a rat trap is pointless. It’s not going to do the job effectively or quickly. You’re just wasting time, money and effort that
could be spent actually resolving the problem.
For more rat information, visit our rat removal tips page, or for more specific how-to instructions, read the how to get rid of rats page with 6 step-by-step instructions.
If you have a problem with rats above your ceiling in your house, read my rats in the attic guide. The most important part of rat control is sealing shut entry holes into the building, but after
you've done that, you'll want to know how to kill rats humanely to complete the rat control job. If you need to hire professional help in your city, click on my directory of over
200 rat removal companies servicing 95% of the USA. we can help your with your rat problem!
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