Black pepper and rats
A number of things have come up in myths and old wives tales over the years that are said to repel or deter
rats, but if you were to ask us, wildlife removal experts with over a decade of experience, we would suggest
that you don't listen to a single one of them. Very few of the so-called deterrents and repellents that we have
come across (or tried) have actually worked, and in many cases, they will cost you much more money in the long
run. This is definitely the case with electrical items, such as high pitch noise devices and light machines.
They cost electricity to run, and some of them use quite a lot.
There are so many things that have been recommended in a bid to remove rats from your home, and moth balls and
ammonia may also have come up in your investigations. Neither of these things have been shown to have any effectiveness,
however, and are actually usually more dangerous than they are helpful. You will also be running the risk of causing harm
to your household pets too. We're sure that's not what you had in mind for your poor family cat or dog.
Black pepper is another thing that often comes up when you google things such as "rat deterrents" or "what don't rats like?" In
truth, some of the hotter peppers - cayenne pepper, for example - can have a little success. The rat will soon realize that it
doesn't like the cayenne pepper that has been sprinkled over your garbage can, moving on to find another source of food. It isn't
enough to encourage the rat to move away entirely though. It might leave your garbage bag alone, but it'll just move on to something
else - your cat and dog food, for example.
Black pepper isn't likely to work for rats, and neither are any of the other repellents and deterrents you will have read about.
Do yourself a favor and save time, money and effort by getting the job done first time. Call in the professionals, or make sure you
do a truly decent seal, trap and cleanup job.
For more rat information, visit our rat removal tips page, or for more specific how-to instructions, read the how to get rid of rats page with 6 step-by-step instructions.
If you have a problem with rats above your ceiling in your house, read my rats in the attic guide. The most important part of rat control is sealing shut entry holes into the building, but after
you've done that, you'll want to know how to kill rats humanely to complete the rat control job. If you need to hire professional help in your city, click on my directory of over
200 rat removal companies servicing 95% of the USA. we can help your with your rat problem!
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