How to Inspect a House for Rat Entry Holes
Rats can be very hard to deal with, once they gain entrance into a property. They would multiply rapidly and cause a lot of damage to just about everything chewable in sight. Really, they constitute a big problem for such homeowners, but their activities can be curbed to a reasonable extent or ended if well managed.
It is of utmost importance while managing a rat infestation, to identify their entry holes and block them. Else, they would just keep coming back after each exclusion effort. Inspecting a house for rat entry holes though, can be a cumbersome activity as the list of places to check is seemingly endless – especially where the house is big.
Attics, crawl space vents, walls, kitchen, cupboard, soffit vent, pipes, ceiling, laundry vent, roof vents, gabble vent and so on are some of the places to inspect. The following points would aid you in carrying out a thorough inspection of your house.
1. Have a basic knowledge of rat biology
Knowledge of their nature, habitat, appearance, diets and behaviour, will go a long way in helping you determine where their entry points are likely going to be in your house.
2. Knowledge of the architectural design of the house
This as well, is very important. Knowing more about the design of the house would help in identifying those hidden spots where openings may exist in parts of the house, and these holes may be serving as openings of rats.
3. Look out for tell-tale signs that indicate their presence
Knowing those things to look out for to indicate the presence of rats. Signs like scratch marks, foul odours, scurrying sounds, faecal remains, signs of damage and so on, should be noted for further investigation.
Having observed all these, homeowners must check everywhere including foundations, vents, roofs, soffits, etc. Anywhere there is a hole, no matter how small it is, is a possible entry point. It may surprise you to know that rats can enter through holes as small as a quarter of an inch.
Note that rats do not need big openings, all they need is a small hole that their heads can fit through and they would force the rest of their bodies in. And if the hole is not big enough for them, they would gnaw at it and make it bigger to allow passage.
So, arm yourself with a flashlight and a ladder, and inspect your house from top to bottom. If the task seems daunting, just invite a pest control expert to do it for you
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