Tampa Rat Control Company
ALL PRO WILDLIFE LLC - 813.404.7033
It is important that you are educated regarding rat control. Not all companies are the same - far from it! There are many different methods and approaches to rat control. All Pro Wildlife LLC uses the only proven method of permanent rat removal for homes or buildings. We are not like other Tampa Bay area rat or pest control companies. Many of these companies aim only to sign you up to a never-ending monthly or quarterly rat control contract, one that never actually solves the problem. Then they just spread some poison in your attic, as seen to the right - some rats die, they cause a huge odor problem, and new ones keep coming! All Pro Wildlife LLC does it the correct way - we stop rats at the source by identifying and sealing shut all rat entry points into a building. Once no more rats can get in or out, we trap and remove the rats, as seen in the photo. This gets all the rats out, and the building is now 100% rat-proof, and the problem is solved forever. We get the job done quickly, usually in not much more than a week, and of course our results are permanent and guaranteed. | |
ALL PRO WILDLIFE LLC is run by Mike Spanola. Mike has performed rat control in the Tampa Bay area for several years, and is considered one of the foremost experts on rodent control in the state of Florida. Call him any time on his cell phone and he will be happy to discuss your rat problem.
We service the entire Tampa Bay area, including Clearwater FL, and St. Petersburg. We perform all rodent removal services, including Tampa mouse control and mice removal. However, mice are rare in the Tampa Bay area. The Roof Rat is by far the dominant rodent species in the area. Sometimes people mistake young rats for mice, or perhaps don't know exactly what is scampering up in the ceiling and chewing on the food at night, but it's far more likely to be the Roof Rat than a mouse. Regardless, whatever your critter problem, from squirrels to mice, the method is the same - find all the open holes, from the roof to underground, seal them shut with steel, and remove the animals. We also provide attic cleanup and deodorizing services once all the rats are gone, since they have surely left droppings and urine in your attic and walls.
TAMPA RAT REMOVAL - 813.404.7033
Here is an email exchange about a roof rat problem in Tampa, which I eventually ended up solving:
I've got a roof rat problem and was searching the good old Internet for
information on the rat as well as ways to rid my home of them. I just
wanted to let you know that your site has been, by far, the most useful and
entertaining, in a macabre sense.
I will ask my husband to look at your site and send him off to inspect the
house and attic (because I certainly am not doing it!) and hopefully get rid
of these nasty little rodents.
Thank you so much for providing such a tremendous service to the
pest-infested community – I appreciate your extensive knowledge and candor
on this subject!
Thanks for the kinds words, and good luck with your rats!
Thank you. It's become personal since the one that is currently staying
in my guest bedroom jumped 'at' me last night (I scared it and it just
tried to get past me). I actually stepped on it, but that is NOT the
way I want to get rid of this thing. Yuck.
I do have a question, however: What is the best bait to use to catch
these critters? We've used cheese & peanut butter and I've even put
down some of our hamster's seeds but to no avail. Cheerios are next.
Above all else, I want to get rid of the one that's actually inside my
house. We've got one live trap in the room along with 3 regular
spring-loaded rodent exterminators. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks again!
The type of bait does not matter at all. The traps must be set on the runways the rats are habitually using in the attic. You don't even need to use bait. A trap set in the right place is far more effective than a trap set with the tastiest of bait. But most
importantly, all of the entry/exit holes must be sealed with steel. Once that's done, the remaining rats inside are very easy to catch, and your problem is solved. If I do use bait, I use peanut butter.
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