Are These Animals Dangerous? No, I don't think so. I've never heard of any cases of these animals attacking humans. I suppose that there's a chance that they could attack
an exposed pet, like maybe a little dog left outside, but I doubt that would happen. For the most part, fox and coyote avoid people. I've caught a few in traps by accident, and let them go on site. If you have a
specific problem, like a den of fox under your pool deck or something strange like that, I could take care of it, but for the most part, these animals are not really a nuisance problem.

The name fox is usually used to refer to a species of mammals that are omnivorous, and which belong to the Canidae family. They are slightly smaller than dogs, and can easily be identified from their bushy tail and long, narrow snout. There are over thirty seven species, which are referred to as foxes, but actually only twelve are true foxes. The commonest fox in North America is the Red fox. It should be noted that this is also the commonest fox in the world. It has been found in places like North Africa, Asia, Central America and the entire northern hemisphere among other places.
Etymology - The word fox is said to have come from fukh, a Proto-Germanic word. In German, it is pronounced Fuchs. It should be noted that the name fox is mainly got from the animal’s bushy tail. Therefore, regardless of what language the animal’s name is pronounced in, it will still refer to its bushy tail. Male foxes are called reynards or dogs, while the female foxes are referred to as vixens. The young of foxes are referred to by different names, including pups, cubs and kits. A group of foxes can be called earth, troop or skulk.
Characteristics - When foxes are in the wild, they can live for over ten years. However, it should be noted that most foxes only live for two or three years, due to factors like road accidents, hunting and diseases among others. If they are in captivity, they are expected to live for more years, because the dangers that reduce their lifespan are somewhat eliminated.
Also, essential to note is that when compared to other members of the Canidae family, for example jackals and wolves among others; foxes are relatively smaller. Male foxes typically weigh about 5.9 kilograms, while female foxes can weigh about 5.2 kilograms. It is, therefore, noted that the male foxes weigh more than the females.
As has been noted, the most distinguishing features about foxes are their bushy tails and muzzles. It is through these features that one can tell a fox, regardless of what species it is. Other features that can identify foxes largely depend on habitat. For example, foxes that are adapted to desert life, like the kit fox and fennec fox among others have short fur and relatively large ears. In addition, the sizes of the litter of foxes also vary due to environmental factors and the species in question. For example, the Arctic fox can have a maximum of eleven young.
Foxes are not pack animals, but they have been known to live in small family groups. They have also been known to use pouncing techniques to hunt for live prey. Foxes usually learn their hunting techniques at an early stage and their prey is typically killed quickly. They feed on things like rodents, grasshoppers, berries and fruits among others. Some foxes have also been known to climb trees. It ought to be noted that foxes are usually not domesticated, given the fact that they are wary of humans and do not like to be kept indoors.
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