How rats communicate using pheromones
Believe it or not, there are a number of ways in which rats communicate with
each other. As well as high-pitched squeaks and squeals that are believed to
be too high in frequency for humans to hear, rats also click to each other.
They have a few non-verbal and non-body-language methods of chatting to one
another, however, and it’s all to do with pheromones.
Animals who communicate via pheromones have an organ called the vomeronasal
organ, which is essentially a pheromones-detecting organ. Although it is
believed that humans can also pick up on pheromones, there are some
scientists who argue the can’t be the case, as humans do not carry this
vomeronasal organ. Anyway, back to rats.
There are quite a few creatures who have this particular organ which senses
for pheromones, and monkeys and elephants are too larger examples. When
certain pheromones are in the air, the vomeronasal organ detects them, and
this then sends a signal / message to the brain - the hypothalamus to be
This signal could contain a number of snippets of information. Rats tell
each other where sources of food are close with their urine, which secretes
pheromones, and they can also be used to tell male rats that their female
counterparts are ready to mate. They are very powerful chemical signals, and
long after the rat has gone, the message can still be passed on, present
still in the urine streak left on the floor / wall / surface.
Pheromones are just one reason why it is important to clean up thoroughly
when you have had a problem with rats. If you leave just the slightest hint
of urine behind, pheromones could still be present, and when other rats are
in close proximity, they could pick up on that chemical signal and
investigate further. You will be back with a rat problem on your hands
For more rat information, visit our rat
removal tips page, or for more specific how-to instructions, read the
how to get rid of rats page
with 6 step-by-step instructions. If you have a problem with rats above your
ceiling in your house, read my rats
in the attic guide. The most important part of rat control is sealing
shut entry holes into the building, but after you've done that, you'll want
to know how to kill rats
humanely to complete the rat control job. If you need to hire professional
help in your city, click on my directory of over
200 rat removal companies servicing 95% of the USA. we can help your
with your rat problem!
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